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A Tool for Managing Risk, Return, and SII 

Ardea Investment Management has developed a specialised tool that aims to assist investors to determine optimal portfolio allocations on a three-dimensional efficient frontier…

The Case For Relative Value Remains Strong

It has been a challenging year for investors.  Safe-haven assets, particularly longer dated government bonds, have suffered spectacular losses and while equity markets on average…

Article 8, Promoting Environment & Social Characteristics

Since the European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) came into force in March 2021, asset managers have been required to provide more information on the sustainability risks and impact of their investment products sold in the European Union.

Market Musings: The Tipping Point?

March was eventful in markets. The collapse of SVB, forced merger between Credit Suisse and UBS and pressure on other banks was a major shock for investors.

5 Key Themes for 2023

This note discusses the substantial risks around consensus views and highlights 5 key themes that will impact global interest rate markets in 2023. Macro forecasting is not part of our investment process …