Ardea Real Outcome Fund

The Fund targets a stable return in excess of inflation over the medium term.

You should read the Fund’s Target Market Determination (TMD) and the Fund’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to ensure the key attributes of the Fund as described in the TMD and PDS aligns with your objectives, financial situation and needs before making a decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold the Fund.

The Ardea Real Outcome strategy is available as both a managed fund and listed ETF.

View more detail about the listed ActiveX Ardea Real Outcome Bond Fund (Managed Fund)(ASX: XARO).

Fund Facts

Suggested minimum investment timeframe At least two years
Initial investment $10,000 or $1,000 when a Regular Savings Plan is established.
Investment strategy

The Fund adopts Ardea IM’s specialised and highly differentiated pure relative value investing approach to target consistent low volatility returns irrespective of whether bond yields are high or low and regardless of whether interest rates are rising or falling. This approach focuses on delivering consistent volatility-controlled returns to strictly limit performance volatility and prioritise capital preservation, irrespective of the market environment.

Investment approach

The investment approach is based on generating returns from relative value strategies that aim to exploit mispricing between comparable fixed income securities which are related to each other and have similar risk characteristics but are priced differently. Ardea IM believes this type of mispricing exists because fixed income markets are inefficient.

The Fund focuses on delivering consistent, stable returns in order to limit performance volatility and prioritise capital preservation, irrespective of the market environment. 

Investment universe

The Fund invests across the largest and most liquid segments of global fixed income markets, primarily comprising highly liquid government bonds with strong credit ratings and related liquid interest rate derivatives. The Fund intentionally excludes any investment that carries material credit or liquidity risk, such as corporate bonds and lower quality government securities.

ARO Rating and Awards
Awards and ratings disclaimers

Interests in the Ardea Real Outcome Fund (ARSN 158 996 699) are offered by Fidante Partners Limited (ABN 94 002 835 592 AFSL 234 668) (Fidante). Fidante has appointed Ardea Investment Management Pty (ABN 50 132 902 722 AFSL 329828) as the investment manager of the Fund. You should read the Fund’s Target Market Determination (TMD) and the Fund’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to ensure the key attributes of the Fund as described in the TMD and PDS aligns with your objectives, financial situation and needs before making a decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold units in the Fund.