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Corporate Bonds – More Risk for Less Return

Credit spreads over government bonds should compensate investors not just for default risk but also for other risks such as illiquidity. Gopi Karunakaran discusses how corporate bond markets are currently not providing sufficient compensation for growing illiquidity risk.

LIBOR In The News Again

LIBOR, like the plumbing in your house, tends to only get attention when something goes wrong.

Livewire Exclusive – A dangerous consensus

In a Livewire Exclusive video, Gopi Karunakaran discusses how banks withdrew from corporate bond markets after the financial crisis, and what this means for the US$560 billion in fixed income ETFs around the world.

It’s time to MOVE

Two charts we are watching closely and what they mean to us and investors.

Challenges and opportunities – the year ahead 2016

With the festivities behind us and a new year ahead it is a good time to reflect on what to expect from fixed interest markets. More of the same, or will the end of zero interest rates in the US bring something different?

New Zealand Inflation Indexed Bonds

Increasing issuance of inflation linked bonds in New Zealand has resulted in a NZD 14 billion market, accounting for close to 20% of the NZ government bond market. NZ ILBs offer an attractive real yield and a low entry point for breakeven inflation.